Thursday, July 24, 2008

Generation OCD

We were chatting in the studio the other day about fun little games we play with our children, nieces, nephews etc. and I mentioned how a few weeks back I was walking from the parking lot into a building with my two and a half year old daughter warning her not to step on any cracks in the road or sidewalks. My intentions were to teach her a fun new game to make walking down boring streets a little more interesting, but a few days later I noticed she was a bit stressed and hesitant to walk on a particular sidewalk in our neighborhood that has lots of cracks in it. It occured to me that this is exactly how OCD adults are created. Some well-meaning adult introduced a "game" to a child that continues to haunt them throughout their life. I guess I'll hold off on the new game I wanted to teach her called "Every handshake, doorknob, shopping cart, or public restroom you touch a kitten dies."


Damian said...

Really? I can get rid of kittens that easily? This is wonderful news. Gotta go rub down a public restroom.

Anonymous said...

I'm pleased to hear that you now how have an alternative to the old fashioned method you're used to- you know, the big rubber mallet.

jbiz said...

AAAACHHOOOOOOOO!!! Nice to meet you! (hand stretched out for a firm handshake)

Camille said...

Seriously, I'm going to do a lot more shopping with carts now that I know about the whole kitten thing. Don't people know that kittens grow up to be cats?

And why is kitten spelled with a K and cat with a C?

Holly Moore said...

That is a very ugly kitten. He looks like an albino Puss and Boots!