R1. This is one of the very first visual mockups we did last summer when we first started playing around with what would become the Children Kids style. Here we’re using some amazing Ben Shahn illustrations. His style along with a few other artists really helped set the tone that we would strive to emulate throughout—a sort of purposeful naïveté.

R2. Still using Ben Shahn’s tree (which I still love), but have started incorporating found patterns from the Spécimen Général book. Also in there are some windows Micah drew and clouds and doodles from an old sketchbook of mine—sloppily cut out in Photoshop. The texture that forms the side of the schoolhouse is printed woodblock type reversed out and zoomed in like 5000%. So awesome…

R3. Everything here is legit except the watercolor wash background (borrowed from this book). After this, all the concept art has really nice watercolor paintings from Matt Shurtleff (I’ll try to get a link soon)—an amazing painter here in Provo, UT. At this point we started getting a pretty good feel for what our Children Kids world was going to look like, how things were going to be illustrated and colored, what’s in pencil, what’s in pen and so on.

R4. A pretty natural progression from the last illustration. More print texture, more patterns, more pencil illustrations. Zak gets his true coloring and we decide to go widescreen in our formatting. It’s all downhill from here. Right? I wish………
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